A Case Report of Pediatric Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19 Association

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Introduction: As COVID-19 spreads rapidly all over the world and nations struggle to control it, the novel presentations of SARS-CoV-2 infection and its possible triggering role for other diseases in pediatrics concern clinicians in frontlines. Case Presentation: We describe a 10-year-old child diagnosed with COVID-19 infection and concurrent Kawasaki disease. He presented with prolonged fever and conjunctivitis. His initial echocardiogram showed coronary artery dilation in RCA. He was treated with IVIG and aspirin as per guidelines and discharged 48 hours after the completion of IVIG and diminishing fever. His follow-up echocardiogram showed improvement in a two weeks’ interval while he was quarantined in the meantime and showed no respiratory complications. Conclusions: In conclusion, we think that there might be a correlation between COVID-19 infection and hyperinflammatory conditions, like Kawasaki disease. Further investigations are needed to enlighten the complications caused by COVID-19 infection, especially in pediatrics. In addition, we emphasize follow-up visits (in person or long-distance) in pediatrics presenting with inflammatory symptoms.