Experience of Husbands on Barriers of Active Participation in Their Wives’ Physiological Childbirth: A Conventional Content Analysis Study

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Background: One of the major concerns of the healthcare system managers is the excessive increase in cesarean sections in Iran which led to the implementation of the physiological childbirth program. The promotion of physiological childbirth by the participation of husbands is facing barriers. Objectives: The present study aimed to explore the husbands’ viewpoints on the barriers against their participation in the physiological childbirth of the wives. Methods: The present qualitative study was carried out with Granheim and Landman’s content analysis approach. A total of 13 husbands whose wives had physiological childbirth were purposively included in the study. The data were collected from the husbands through semi-structured and in-depth interviews and continued until data saturation. The data were analyzed using MAXQDA software (version 2020). Results: The participants’ age range was 25 - 50 years, and their level of education varied from diploma to doctorate. The data analysis resulted in 3 main categories and 12 subcategories, including sociocultural (i.e., uncommon husband’s presence, parturient’s shame, established female caregiving role, husband’s shyness, and scorn by others), structural (i.e., imperfect maternity ward physical structure, words and actions contradiction, and non-acceptance of the husband), and individual (i.e., occupational problems, lack of information, psychological unpreparedness, and fear of harming the mother and neonate) barriers. Conclusions: According to husbands’ viewpoints, there are social, cultural, structural, and individual barriers to participating in the childbirth of their wives. Therefore, managers of healthcare services need to plan evidence-based measures to remove the husbands’ participation barriers against the physiological childbirth of their wives.