Exposing Vibriosis: A Scoping Review of the Literature Regarding Sequelae of Non-cholera Vibrio Infection

Vibriosis, non-cholera infection by marine bacteria of the genus Vibrio, is a relatively uncommon infection associated with high morbidity and mortality relative to other bacterial food and waterborne pathogens. The range and impact of these common marine organisms is likely to increase as global water temperatures rise in association with global warming. We have conducted a scoping review of available literature (2000 - 2020), including individual case studies, in order to provide the most current overview of reported sequelae and complications of this disease, including amputation, necrotizing fasciitis, organ failure, respiratory complications, and uncommon serious outcomes. Notably, we have found the available data indicate that route of exposure (contact with water, ingestion) may not be as reliably associated with disease presentation (soft tissue infection, gastroenteritis, sepsis) as has commonly been proposed. This information can be used to inform more accurate burden estimates for this disease, which have, to date, not included severe tissue sequelae including amputation as an outcome associated with foodborne exposure to non-cholera Vibrio. We have also identified knowledge gaps and priority research areas that may provide data allowing further refinement of cost and burden models.