Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Approach for Predicting Cu Concentration in Drinking Water of Chahnimeh1 Reservoir in Sistan-Balochistan, Iran

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Background: Access to safe drinking water is one of the basic human rights and essential for healthy life. Concerns about the effects of copper on human health have led to numerous guidelines and regulations limiting its concentrations in water. Objectives: The major goal of this study is to demonstrate artificial neural network model of the Chahnimeh1 reservoir water quality (Heavy metal concentration) and show the potential of the ANN for producing models capable of efficient forecasting of Cu concentration. Materials and Methods: Water samples were collected from Chahnimeh1 reservoir which was the most important source of drinking water in Sistan-balochistan and analyzed for physical quality parameters such as: EC (electric conductivity), TDS(total dissolved solids), T(temperature), pH and heavy metal (Cu) concentration using standard methods. In this study, a three-layer artificial neural network (ANN) model was investigated to predict the Cu concentration in the water of Chahnimeh1 reservoir. The input variables are electric conductivity, total dissolved solids, temperature and pH, while the Cu concentration in water is the output. We applied The Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm to train ANN. Results: According to the ANN outputs, hidden layer with 7 neurons had the best performance for predicting Cu concentration. Evaluation indexes including MSE and R in this article were obtained as 0.00008 and 0.9346; 0.00019 and 0.8612; 0.00014 and 0.9372 for training, validation and testing date sets respectively. Conclusions: As we can see the ANN outputs values are very close to actual Cu concentration, so indicating that predicted values are accurate and the network design is proper and the input variables well suitable for the prediction of Cu concentration.