The Epidemiological Study of Brucellosis Patients Referred to the Laboratories and Health Centers in Andimeshk Township (2005-2006)

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The incidence of brucellosis has been increased in recent years. This imposes many economical and health related problems among rural and tribe people. Khuzestan province is in low infected range of Iran provinces. We reviewed the epidemiological, clinical and demographical specialty of patient referred to health centers and laboratories of Andimeshk Township in year 2006. : Medical records of 50 patient with clinical and laboratory and 144 individuals referred to Health centers evaluated. 194 patients suffering from brucellosis diagnosed by serologic tests (Wright, Coombs Wright, 2me) were studied. : From 194 brucellosis patients %95 was with Wright Titer equal or more than 1.160. The sex ratio of patients was 5 men to 6 women. %70 of patients was less than 40 years. The infection was significantly more prevalent amongst householders (%39.7) animal husbandries (%17.5) students (%16.5) and farmers (%9). In seasonal viewpoint most referrals were in summer, spring, winter and then autumn respectively. %37 of patients was city dwellers and %63 were rural and tribes. The incidence of brucellosis in tribe areas was about 6 times to rural, while the rural was 4 times to urban areas. : Brucellosis infection is significantly raised in rural and tribal areas of Andimeshk Township so should be more considered. For the control of human brucellosis the in force and present preventing and control program, should revised based on geographical pathology of Andimeshk Township.