A comparative study of the level of mental health, happiness, inferiority feelings, marital satisfaction and marital conflict in fertile and infertile women in Kermanshah
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Background: Infertility and the reactions of people towards it can lead to psychological disorders which have negative effects on the life of young couples. Therefore, this study aims to comparatively analyze the level of mental health, happiness, inferiority feelings, sexual satisfaction and marital conflict in fertile and infertile women in Kermanshah.Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 100 infertile and 100 fertile women using convenient sampling. The questionnaires used in this study were Scaled-General Health Questionaire-28 (GHQ-28), happiness, inferiority feelings, Enrich Marital Satisfaction Scale (EMS) and Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (KMCS). Running Chi-squared and independent t-tests, the data was analyzed using SPSS-16.Results: The results of this study revealed that there is a significant difference between the studied variables in the fertile and the infertile women (P