From Parallel Mathematical Description of Action to Unparalleled Outcome of Abstraction: A Comparative Analysis
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Jean Piaget accorded the adaptive role of acting on objects in the formation of logical structures a priority during development. According to his studies, correspondence between the structure of spatial behavior in infants and mathematical properties of “group of displacements” implies the development of such logical constructs even before the appearance of language. In the present analysis, it will be demonstrated that such mathematical structures can also be inferred from spatial behavior of the rat (Rattus Norvegicus) and some other species. However, despite such correspondence, there are dissimilarities in the performance of different species. Such similarities and differences will be discussed in relation to the formation of abstract processes and cognitive competence across species. The analysis supports the philosophical notion that different phenomena may have parallel mathematical descriptions but whether or not they are the same always has to be examined at the conceptual level as well.