Effects of Taranjebin on serum bilirubin in hyperbilirubinemic suckling rats
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Introduction: In the past , medi cinal herbs had enormous application in traditional medicine in Iran. At present, Taranjeb in a gum of Alhagi herb (Alhagi Mannifcr a) is used as a medi cal herb for trea tment of jaundice in infants. Th us, the purpose of present stud y was to investigate the possible therapeutic effects of Taru njcbi n on a scientific basis. Materials and Methods : Taranjebin solution was made by disso lving Taranjebin in distilled water and then filtered. Wistars offspri ng ra ts (body weight: 19-21 gr) wer e used . Animals were divided into fo ur groups: group one as a negative control , ot her thre e groups we re inj ected inet rap eritoneal (ip) aminolevulin ic acid (ALA) at a specific lime afte r bir th, which ca use s hyperbil irubinemia. Of these three groups, one group was used as a positive control, and the othe r two as experimental group received Taranjebin and distilled wat er by gavage, res pec tively. At different interval times blood samples were drawn and to tal bilirubin was mea sured. Results: R esults sho wed th at afte r inj e ct ion of ALA, pl asm a biliru bin co ncen t rat io n incre ased significantly (P