Personality Traits of Admitted Students to an Asian Military University Compared to Their Future Job Requirements

AuthorVahid Donyavi
AuthorArsia Taghva
AuthorMasoud Azizi
AuthorHasan Shahmiri
AuthorMajid Asgharzadeh
AuthorAhmad Pourmandani
Issued Date2014-08-01
AbstractBackground: Setting Military recruitments to training programs intended for individuals wishing to work in the military, security or intelligence services is a very sensitive task. The identification of the applicants’ personality traits, skills and abilities constitutes an importance part of the recruitment procedure. Objectives: The present study attempted to identify the major characteristics the military force must possess, as well as the current candidates candidates' suitability in terms of their personality characteristics. Patients and Methods: The authorities at an Asian country army were interviewed in order to identify the major characteristics they believed to be necessary for the military personnel willing to work in that organization. Furthermore, 195 randomly selected students from a military training center in the same region were examined to reveal the extent to which their personality traits matched those specified by the experts. Results: It was observed that the majority of the students who were tested enjoyed a good status regarding personality traits relevant to the nature of the tasks they were to be assigned in the future. However, based on the participants’ scores on the NEO Psychological Inventory, Revised, some individuals were identified as lacking the needed personality traits and as a result, were not suitable for such responsibilities. Conclusions: The obtained results indicated that the existing admission procedure was not efficient and needed to be revisited. More psychological tests and background checks need to be included in the admission procedure. In addition, a thorough needs analysis should be done in order to identify the major characteristics such applicants should possess in order to be successful in that profession after they are finished with their education.
KeywordPersonnel Recruitment
KeywordPersonality Traits
KeywordNEO Personality Inventory
TitlePersonality Traits of Admitted Students to an Asian Military University Compared to Their Future Job Requirements
TypeResearch Article
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