Evaluation of cellular S-value of auger electrons emitting 111In radionuclide by Geant4 and its comparison with MCNP5 Monte Carlo codes and MIRD published data

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Introduction: Now day Ionizing radiation has found increasing applications in cancer treatment. However, in the treatment different kinds and size of tumors especially metastatic and small size tumors, conventional methods of external radiation therapy are not common. In radionuclide therapy, the use of monoclonal antibodies has made it possible to achieve maximum dose to small size tumor and minimum dose to healthy tissue. In the use of electrons auger-emitter radionuclides, due to the short range and high cytotoxicity, there should be a high degree of precision. For this reason, Monte Carlo methods and simulations can be used in higher accuracy. In this study, the cellular dose of 111In radionuclide was calculated and validated using the Monte Carlo method. Materials and Methods: In this research, the Geant4 Monte Carlo code was used with three low energy physical models: Geant4-DNA, Livermore, Penelope and Standard Physics. Correspondingly, distribution of radiation from radiation sources and the location of the source was considered uniform and randomly within the volume, respectively. The results of MCNP and MIRD codes published data were used for comparison. Results: In the correlation study, the S-value results of self and cross-absorption between the two codes indicated show a good agreement between the data of the MCNP code and the results of different physics models of Geant4 code. Conclusion: Although there are some differences between the results of the codes which are mentioned in results, finally the comparison indicates that the acceptability use of Geant4 in the cellular dosimetry.  So, for therapeutic and diagnostic applications of the 111In as an auger electrons-emitter radionuclide we can recommend this code for dose calculations.    