Schwannoma in a Breast Cancer Patient Mimicking a Metastatic Interpectoral Lymph Node with Various Imaging Modalities: A Case Report

AuthorSung Hee Shin
AuthorHye Jung Kim
AuthorWon Hwa Kim
AuthorSee Hyung Kim
AuthorJeeyeon Lee
AuthorJi Young Park
Issued Date2019-10-31
AbstractAlthough schwannoma may occur in any organ, it very seldom appears as an interpectoral lesion and rarely arises in the brachial plexus. We here report the case of a breast cancer patient with a schwannoma located in the interpectoral space that mimicked a metastatic lymph node with various imaging modalities, including ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron-emission tomography/computed tomography. Awareness of its location and imaging features on various modalities is helpful for identifying schwannoma mimicking a metastatic interpectoral lymph node in breast cancer patients without axillary level I lymph node metastasis.
KeywordBrachial Plexus
KeywordBreast Neoplasms
KeywordLymphatic Metastasis
TitleSchwannoma in a Breast Cancer Patient Mimicking a Metastatic Interpectoral Lymph Node with Various Imaging Modalities: A Case Report
TypeCase Report