The Effect of a Health Belief Model Based Education Program for Foot Care in Diabetic Patients Type II in Kermanshah, Iran (2005)

AuthorGh Sharifirad
AuthorMM Hazavehi
AuthorMH Baghianimoghadam
AuthorS Mohebi
Issued Date2007-04-30
AbstractDiabetes mellitus is one of the most common medi-cal problems in the world. Approximately 18% of persons over 65 years old are diabetic. The WHO estimates that the prevalence rate of diabetes, 4% in 1995, will increase to 5.6% in 2025. Diabetic foot problems are potentially the most preventable long–term complication in diabetic patients. The purpose of this study was to test the utility of the Health Belief Model (HBM) in under-standing and predicting the intention of diabetic patients in prevention of their foot lesions and amputations. Material and Methods: This was a Quasi ex-perimental and cohort study, carried out in 108 diabetic patients Type II in Kermanshah. They were divided in two groups (54 case and 54 con-trol groups). The data were collected by using a researcher made questionnaire in 5 sections; all of the data were collected by direct interviews and on the basis of the constructs of HBM. Data were analyzed by SPSS software. Results: More than 33% (n=36) of patients were men. About 60% of participants were illiterate and had completed only primary school; of par-ticipants, 58% were aged between 30 and 50 years, while 37.4% were between 50-60 years old. There was no significant difference between the mean grades score of variables (knowledge, per-ceived susceptibility, perceived severity, per-ceived threat, perceived benefits perceived bar-riers, caring of foot and check list) in the case and control groups before intervention, but, t-test showed significant differences between all of mentioned variables, in these two groups after intervention(p
KeywordFoot care
TitleThe Effect of a Health Belief Model Based Education Program for Foot Care in Diabetic Patients Type II in Kermanshah, Iran (2005)
TypeResearch Article
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