The survey of neoplasm classification systems In educational hospitals of Iran,Tehran,Shahid Beheshti & Jondi Shapor universities

Issued Date2011-06-30
AbstractBackground: The collection of information concerning neoplasm is of major interest, but medical data are only meaningful once they are classified according to a valid and reliable classification. : So the purpose of this study was to survey current neoplasm classification systems. Material and methods: This research study is descriptive and useable. Informations collected by library studies and by question arises. Results: Research result show that most of medical record yards in study group use of ICD10 book to neoplasm classification also 44precent of statistical society use of commandments and rules of dead causes classification in second part of ICD10 book. 100 percent of statistical society didnt have any training about ICD-O. Conclusion: according to research result we can conclude that clinical data extracted from correct sources. But because staff of medical recorders lack of knowledge and they dont use of ICD-O, tumor registry statistics is so different from WHO standards.
TitleThe survey of neoplasm classification systems In educational hospitals of Iran,Tehran,Shahid Beheshti & Jondi Shapor universities
TypeResearch Article
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